The Durango Railroad Historical Society is comprised of a group of dedicated volunteers who support the Society through their labor and by generous contributions. Please consider becoming a member.
Membership includes:
Locomotive D&RGW 315
Historic railroad cars
Hollywood Replica locomotive Emma Sweeny
Join by filling out the Membership Form
and mailing it and a check to the Society. Or simply join here using PayPal.
Any donation over $1000.00 qualifies for lifetime membership.
The Society tries its best to keep its membership records current but it can be difficult to keep the email list current if changes are not communicated to the Society. Occasionally a letter is sent to members to update their information. If you did not receive one in the past year, please send current information (name, postal address, email address, and phone number) to
or to the Society at
Durango Railroad Historical Society
P. O. Box 654
Durango, CO 81302
If you have any questions regarding your membership status, please contact Jerry Hoffer.
George Niederauer would appreciate being copied on emails to be sure his email address list is current in sending information to members.
The Durango Railroad Historical Society is a non-profit organization. Corporate sponsors qualify for 501(c)(3) tax relief on all donations.